2020 ASDS/A Annual Report


ASDS/A 2020 Annual Report

“Our membership continues to drive innovation, becoming the true skin health and beauty experts all backed by science. We will continue to fight for patient safety and access to

dermatologic surgical care. ASDSA will continue to advocate for board certified dermatologists to directly oversee medical practice, fair reimbursement for skin cancer treatment, ability of dermatologists to practice medicine in their offices (compounding) and other issues important locally, nationally and internationally on behalf of dematologic surgery patients.”

1,461 live attendees

50 educational sessions 88 on-demand purchases 3,601 Instagram accounts reached

Mathew Avram , MD, JD 2020-21 ASDS/ASDSA President


The Annual Membership Meeting

honored the 50th anniversary by acknowledging the founders, charter members and past presidents.

ASDS President Marc Brown, MD, highlighted the year’s efforts, including the COVID-19 complimentary webinars and resources created to assist members. Two graduation ceremonies honored the hard work of members growing their skill sets and supporting the future of the specialty by participating in the Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Program and Future Leaders Network. Afterwards, Dr. Brown issued his President’s Awards and provided advocacy updates before introducing Mathew Avram, MD, JD, as the new ASDS / ASDSA President for 2020-21. New to the 2020 ASDS Virtual Annual Meeting was the ASDS Got Talent competition, allowing members to share their unique talents with colleagues. The competition received 11 entries from which judges chose seven finalists. Nearly 200 attendees voted for their favorite talent throughout the meeting, and Saqib Ahmed, MD, was named the first-ever ASDS Got Talent Star with his entry "Card Magic."

Marc Brown, MD, presents during the Annual Membership Meeting.

Suzanne Kilmer, MD, presented the 2020 Vic Narurkar, MD, Innovations in Aesthetics Honorary Lecture.

The video entry for our 2020 ASDS Got Talent Star, Saqib Ahmed, MD.


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